5 Most Common Youth Sports Injuries

5 Most Common Youth Sports Injuries

After 2020, the year of COVID, youth sports are finally opening up again. However, this means that youth sports injuries will be returning as well. We will be treating young patients in our physical therapy practice for a variety of conditions. Here are the most common youth sports injuries that we see and treat.

1. Little Leaguer’s Elbow

This injury is due to overuse, as many youth sports injuries are. Pain around the young athlete’s elbow can come from improper throwing form, but it comes from excessive throwing more often. Rest and stretching exercises are what we commonly prescribe. Still, more severe cases may require surgery if we don’t see improvement.

2. ACL Tears

The ACL is an Anterior Cruciate Ligament. It is the ligament that stabilizes the knee. This injury is caused when it is torn by twisting unnaturally. This knee injury is quite painful and can cause damage to other parts of the knee as well. Surgery is necessary in many of these cases. A hiatus from sports for at least seven or eight months is essential. Most young athletes can return to sports eventually, after their resting break.

3. Ankle Sprains

Almost every athlete, young or old, experiences the pain of a sprained ankle at some time during their athletic pursuits. Many consider it to be the most common injury in sports. Occurring in different severity levels, it’s caused by damaging some of the ligaments that support your ankle, usually by a twisting motion. The best prescription for this type of injury is a rest from sports, a short time of immobilization, and then a course of exercises designed to help with healing.

4. Knee Pain (Patellofemoral Syndrome)

This overuse injury causes pain in the front of the knee. The cause of this pain is directly related to excessive pressure on the kneecap. It’s a common occurrence in youth sports, and females are especially susceptible to it. In youth athletes, it is the result of muscle imbalance and high levels of activity. Luckily, physical therapy is the ideal treatment for this injury and brings successful results in healing.

5. Osgood-Schlatter Disease

This is a particular type of knee pain felt at the bottom of the knee cap. It’s caused by an injury to a growth plate in the leg. In this injury, we usually see strong, tight muscles in this area that develop during puberty. They become aggravated by overuse at high activity levels. Although stretching exercises we prescribe can help with Osgood-Schlatter, treatment usually includes several techniques, including icing, rest, and NSAIDs.

When You Need Help With a Youth Sports Injuries

If you’ve received a diagnosis of one of these common youth sports injuries, ask your doctor if a physical therapy program can help with pain or treatment. At Kinetic PT, we treat youth sports injuries regularly, with excellent outcomes. Contact us if we can help with your young athlete. We will help them heal in a clean, comfortable environment.