KPT PT after Car accident

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are approximately 6 million car accidents in the U.S. every year. Furthermore, over 2.5 million car accidents are rear-ended collisions, which most commonly cause the injury referred to as whiplash. There are many treatments a person may use during recovery from whiplash and other accident-related injuries. Does Physical Therapy help? Yes, it does. There are definite benefits of Physical Therapy after a car accident. Here are some reasons patients should seek this type of care.

What is Whiplash?

First, let’s explain what whiplash is and the common symptoms that patients experience. Whiplash occurs when the neck extends in any direction beyond the normal range of motion, resulting in any of the following issues:

  • Pain and stiffness in the head, neck, and shoulders
  • Loss of or Limited range of motion in the neck
  • Chronic migraines or headaches
  • Tingling and numbness in the upper extremities
  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Occasionally, blurred vision and memory problems

What’s more, these whiplash injury symptoms often do not occur right away. Therefore, it is crucial that patients receive a medical evaluation immediately. Long-term damage such as chronic pain, reduced mobility, even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) could occur if a patient delays treatment.

The Benefits of PT After an Auto Accident

The Road to Recovery

Unfortunate many patients do not discovery the severity of their accident-related injury until after they return to normal daily activities. Feelings of pain, stiffness, reduced range of motion or chronic headaches may surface in the days and weeks following the incidence. Physical therapy focuses on these specific issues and improves and builds strength and flexibility. This allows patients to recover and heal from their injuries faster and easier.

Prevent Long-Term Damage

Not only does physical therapy address immediate injuries, but it can also prevent long-term damage. Many patients report experiencing chronic migraines and limited range of motion from untreated trauma. Starting therapy soon after your accident makes you more likely to live relatively pain-free for years to come.

Movement Heals

You may think that moving around will only make your injury and pain worse, right? However, physical activity may reduce pay and encourage healing faster than bed rest. Here’s how. Movement pumps oxygenated blood and nutrients through your body and to your injury site. Therefore stimulating your body to heal itself. Therapists create a series of custom exercises and stretches designed to help your particular issues. The goal is working toward a balanced recovery.

Avoid Surgery

While there is no guarantee that any treatment will prevent surgery after a car accident, PT may help. Why? Untreated non-life threatening auto accident injuries plus normal wear and tear may create a need for surgery, eventually. PT can address symptoms and help you avoid compounding issues. Further, it may even address other weak muscles and vulnerable tendons and ligaments. Thus, possibly, making patients even stronger.

Heal Old Car Accident Injuries

Even if you do suffer from pain and injury from an old car accident, don’t despair. There is help! One of the benefits of Physical Therapy is that it helps restore function and mobility years after your accident occurred. Through a carefully designed rehab strategy, patients can recover and live a virtually pain-free life. Furthermore, these non-invasive treatments are safe and do not require medicines such as opioids for pain relief.

Specialized Rehab Strategy

Kinetic Physical Therapy understands that no two injuries are the same. Therefore, all our therapists custom design treatments for every patient. Individualized therapy ensures that your particular needs are addressed. We offer proactive therapies and low patient to therapist ratios, resulting in continuity of care and a specialized rehab strategy. Have you experienced auto-accident related injuries? There are many benefits Contact Kinetic PT today for a complete evaluation. Let us help you get on the road to recovery!