Getting the Most Out of Physical Therapy

For most people, physical therapy is the treatment that we get after surgery.  It’s used to restore our bodies to the greatest possible improvement. There are so many other occasions when PT helps with your healing or pain reduction. Let’s take a look at some considerations.

Pain is a Good Indicator that Physical Therapy Can Help

Taking pain pills, even aspirin or acetaminophen, regularly, is not good for you. These medicines may treat the symptoms and provide temporary relief. But, an excellent course of physical therapy can help address the cause of the pain and bring you lasting relief without drugs.

At your first appointment, your therapist will test your range of motion and muscle strength. They will do a full assessment to identify any posture problems that may be contributing to your pain. Evaluating the surrounding joints and muscles may give them the information they need to design your course of treatment.

Your Role in Your Physical Therapy

When you begin a therapy program, you become an active partner in your treatment. At your appointment, you work with your physical therapist.  They will also assign exercises for you to do at home to continue treating the affected area regularly.

Following through with your “homework” is perhaps one of the most effective ways to make the most progress with your therapy. This is the relationship between you and your therapist that allows the best improvement to be made.

Do You Need to See Your Primary Care Physician First?

Although the requirements will vary from state to state, Maryland allows patients “Direct Access” to Physical Therapists without a doctor visit or referral. This can save you time and money.  This is especially true since the process can include your primary care physician, imaging, a specialist, and then a physical therapy referral.

Especially when repeat injuries or conditions occur, and you know that physical therapy is inevitable, just contact your physical therapist and make an appointment. If you’re having extreme pain or mobility problems, it’s probably best to check in with your primary care physician first. Let your body be your guide.

Get The Treatment You Need!

If physical therapy is what you need to rehabilitate yourself after an injury, or painful event, call for a consultation today. Kinetic Physical Therapy focuses on two things.  The first is safety for their patients, with all the necessary precautions in place for COVID-19. The second is the treatment to help you experience optimum health and less pain. You’ll feel better for it!

Partner with Kinetic Physical Therapy, in Annapolis, Maryland, and we’ll work with you to help eliminate pain and improve your range of motion. Please make an appointment with us here! Let’s get started on the road to your recovery!