How Physical Therapy Can Help Reduce HeadachesMost would do just about anything to help reduce headaches and migraines. Once they start they are often difficult to ease. There are a lot of factors that can cause a headache. Changes in weather, drinking, stress, poor posture, and hundreds of other scenarios can cause headaches.

Anyone who suffers from frequent headaches knows they can range from annoying to debilitating. If over-the-counter medication isn’t giving relief, physical therapy may be the answer to reducing reoccurring headaches.

Primary vs. Secondary

The medical community has identified dozens of types of headaches. Headaches fall into one of two categories, either primary or secondary.

A primary headache is not a symptom of another medical issue. The main problem is the headache itself and no other reason.

Secondary headaches are due to a medical condition that is the reason for the pain, such as an ear infection or influenza. Rarely, a secondary headache is a sign of a more serious cause like a brain tumor or a stroke.

Types of Headaches

Most people suffer from primary headaches that fall into one of four types.

  • Tension
  • Migraine
  • Cluster
  • Sinus

A tension headache is the most common type of headache. They usually range from mild to moderate pain, with a steady ache. They tend to affect both sides of the head. Most sufferers say it feels like there’s a tight band wrapped around their heads, causing a constant squeezing pain.

A migraine is usually concentrated in one spot of the head. Typically, the pain is throbbing, and light sensitivity can increase the pain. Often, nausea or vomiting will accompany a migraine.

Cluster headaches are just what they sound like. They are a series of headaches that are usually short but quite painful and happen in succession. A pattern forms, and the headache tend to recur in the same way.

The Cluster headache occurs frequently, usually every day for weeks or months at a time.

A Sinus headache can bring pain to your face. The sufferer will experience pain and pressure around the forehead, cheekbones, and the bridge of the nose. They may feel throbbing between or behind the eyes.

Causes of headaches

The tricky thing about headaches is there are so many factors that can cause them. So, it may be difficult for a medical professional to find just one reason for a reoccurring headache. Whether a primary or secondary headache, causes can include:

  • Chemical imbalances in the brain
  • An injury or accident
  • Muscle tension
  • Poor posture
  • Stress
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Lack of sleep
  • Noise

How Physical Therapy Can Help

Working with a physical therapist can improve mobility in the neck. Your physical therapist can help strengthen weak muscles and improve range of motion with proper techniques. Better mobility in the neck may reduce the frequency of headaches.

Physical therapy can also improve posture. A physical therapist can teach patients to sit and stand with good posture. They can also employ exercises to increase muscle strength around the neck and back, resulting in better posture.

Stretching is another good tactic used in physical therapy. Learning and practicing good stretches can relieve muscle tension and strains that result in a headache.

Relief From Headaches

If you suffer from headaches and need some relief, Kinetic Physical Therapy may be able to help. With an emphasis on quality patient care, our physical therapists will work with you to reduce occurrences. Please call us at 410-849-6647 for more information or to make an appointment.