How to Ease the pain of achilles tendonitis Facebook Template

Achilles Tendonitis is a painful condition that typically affects runners. Although other people are susceptible to it as well, the pain actually occurs from microtears that take place in the Achilles tendon during particular high-impact strenuous exercise, for example, running.

Do you Have Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles Tendonitis tends to sneak up on you. It typically is first noticed as a pain that builds gradually and gets significantly worse over time. The lower part of the leg will feel weak or stiff. The Achilles tendon will actually swell up or display a bump. The pain will occur while running or after running.

Use Caution to Avoid Achilles Tendonitis

There are several causes of Achilles tendonitis. You can take precautions and lessen your risk of it occurring. Always warm up completely before exercising. Avoid running uphill or climbing stairs until you are used to exercising. Don’t run on irregular or hard surfaces. Don’t engage in sudden, intense exercise… warm up before sprinting to the finish line. Wear shoes that are made for the type of activity in which you’re involved.

Treating Achilles Tendonitis

The best treatment for Achilles tendonitis is a multi-pronged approach. Ice packs can relieve inflammation and pain. Keeping the foot elevated can help. People often find relief by taking Ibuprofen, which can help with swelling and soreness. The use of ankle support can bring pain relief.
If these non-invasive techniques don’t help, a person may opt for steroid injections, which should be administered in conjunction with ultrasound to reduce the risk of tendon rupture. In cases where the condition lasts for more than six months, surgery is indicated.

PT for Achilles Tendonitis

The most helpful way to treat Achilles tendonitis is to use stretching and exercises to strengthen the calf and increase flexibility. These stretches include the calf stretch and bilateral heel drop. Both exercises should be done slowly and under the supervision of a physical therapist to prevent further injury to the area.

Kinetic Physical Therapy Can Help with Achilles Tendonitis

If your doctor has told you that you have Achilles tendonitis, they may want you to try physical therapy before jumping into surgery. At Kinetic Physical Therapy, we offer treatment for Achilles tendonitis and other sports injuries. Our goal is to provide healing and exercises to help treat your pain and lead to recovery. Call us today for an appointment!