Lower Back Pain? Improving Your Core Strength Can Help

Lower Back Pain? Improving Your Core Strength Can Help

Lower back pain can really effect mobility. Your body is a complex and diverse set of bones, tendons, joints, and muscles. A machine, if you will. A significant component of the machine is the core. The core affects almost all muscle groups. Millions of Americans suffer from chronic lower back pain. Often, lower back pain is because of weak core muscles. Back pain can result when core muscles aren’t strong enough to support your spine properly. Strengthening your core muscles with physical therapy can ease lower back pain.

What Exactly Are Core Muscles?

If someone asked you to point to your body’s core muscles, you might point to your abdomen. But surprise! Core muscles are located from the top of your ribs to the top of your hips. And they wrap all the way around, including your back.

The job of core muscles is to maintain spinal stability. These stabilizing muscles include front abdominal muscles, back muscles that run along the spine, the diaphragm, hip flexors, and muscles along the sides of your body.

There are two groups of core muscles. The first group is local stabilizing muscles. These are the deep core muscles, and they’re attached to the spine.

The second group is shallow core muscles. These muscles aren’t directly attached to the spine. They connect to the pelvis, leg joint, and ribs.

Causes Of Weak Core

Several factors can contribute to weak core muscles. Surgery, injury, and physical inactivity are significant reasons. Poor posture when driving, sitting, or working at a desk is another cause.

Signs Your Core Is Weak

If you can bend to tie your shoe, swing a golf club, or pull something down off a shelf, you can thank your core muscles. But how do you know if you have weak core muscles? Besides living with chronic back pain, the following are some signs you need a stronger core.

It’s hard to sit down or get up out of a chair. People with a strong core can get in and out of a chair without using their arms to steady themselves or push off to stand.

Your posture is poor. Did you know that good posture helps with your spine, bowel, and bladder effectiveness? When core muscles are weak, slouching or slumping can occur. Poor posture can also affect how well you breathe.

Your balance isn’t as strong as it once was. Good balance protects us from falling. Core muscles are a major component to balance because they stabilize us as we move and even stand still.

Strengthen Your Core With Physical Therapy

If you are suffering from lower back pain, our therapists at Kinetic Physical Therapy excel at improving core strength. Your physical therapist can work with you to teach you easy, non-painful exercises that will benefit your back. Becoming a patient at Kinetic Physical Therapy will serve you in the long run, resulting in less back pain and better quality of life.

Remember, at Kinetic physical therapy you can always see the same therapist and you can always choose where to receive PT. We’re aware of this, and value your business. Come for a visit soon!
We look forward to helping you!