Strengthening Hips With Physical TherapyYour hip joints are one of the most important joints in our body. Hip joints need to be strong to support the mobility of our body. Hips can become weaker as we age. Weaker hips can reduce stability, resulting in the risk of falling.

Several muscles surround the hip joint. As we age, these muscle groups become weaker due to lack of movement and muscle deterioration. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Physical therapy can be quite beneficial in many aspects of healthy aging. This is especially true when addressing weaker hips in older adults. Physical therapy is a great way to strengthen your hips, prevent possible injury and reduce the chance of dealing with chronic pain.

What Are The Benefits Of Strong Hit Joints?

Strong muscles around the hip joint can help lead a healthy lifestyle in many ways.
Strengthening muscles that move our hips can help create more stability. More stability means less chance of falling.

Loosening tight muscles around the hip joint can also prevent injury. Regular stretching of hip muscles can create more flexibility. Flexibility is an essential factor in preventing possible pulled muscles or strained tendons.

The final benefit of strengthening hips is the possibility of decreased pain. Many people experience hip pain as they age.

Causes of Pain in Your Hip Joints

Hip pain is not uncommon in the elderly population. These aches can disrupt the ability to do everyday activities and limit mobility. It can also result in sleep loss. It can be challenging to get comfortable enough to get a good night’s rest with hip pain.

The most common cause of hip pain is arthritis, which is wear and tear on the joints.
Trochanteric bursitis is caused when the bursa, a liquid-filled sac near the hip joint, becomes inflamed.
Tendinitis occurs when there is wear and tear on tendons.

Hip fractures and falls are also familiar sources of hip pain. Hip bones can keep growing throughout adulthood, causing hips to get wider. As a big part of the body’s center of gravity, the hips usually take the brunt of a fall. A fracture or break can occur as bones become weaker with age.

How Physical Therapy Can Help

Physical therapy can be a very safe and non-surgical way to manage current pain effectively. And it is certainly helpful in preventing hip pain.

A physical therapist can help identify what is causing hip pain. Muscle strength and range of motion may be evaluated. Treatments may include stretching, strengthening, balance training, joint mobilization, and gait training.

A physical therapist can teach you exercises and stretching to strengthen all the muscles that work to keep hips functioning well to prevent hip pain. Hip strengthening exercises for older adults keep hip joints healthy by increasing mobility and physical energy.

Kinetic Physical Therapy can help if you are experiencing hip pain that affects your quality of life. Or, if you would like to strengthen your hips to prevent possible injury or future pain, our therapists can assist. Please get in touch with us to learn how we can help. Our goal is to help you live your healthiest life possible.