The Health Benefits of StretchingThere are many healthy benefits of stretching. Have you ever seen an infant who has just woken up lift their arms above their head and stretch? Stretching the body muscles is so instinctive, babies do it from birth. But this reflexive movement is more than just an involuntary reach. Stretching is essential for our bodies throughout our entire life and can bring a lot of health benefits.

Various Types Of Stretches

There are many kinds of stretches, with each serving a specific purpose. Here are the three most common types of stretches.

Static Stretching

First, there are static stretches. You should hold a static stretch for 30-60 seconds. These types of stretches are usually done during a yoga routine or after a workout. Static stretches help increase flexibility and range of motion. They also relieve the tension in the muscles you use when exercising.

Dynamic Stretching

Another type is dynamic stretching. This form of stretch is not held like static stretching. Dynamic stretches are movement-based to help loosen muscles. This stretching is usually done before exercise to help with performance. Movements such as arm circles or leg lunges would fall into this category.

Ballistic Stretching

The third type of stretching is known as ballistic. This is when you force a muscle beyond its normal range of motion. Using quick movements, these stretches usually involve momentum created by the body and bouncing. An example of this would be when someone bounces their upper body to touch their toes with their fingertips.

Stretching is Good for the Body

There are many benefits to stretching your muscles in various ways at different times of the day.

Stretching first thing in the morning, shortly after getting out of bed, can improve blood flow and circulation. When you stretch your muscles, blood flow increases as oxygen carries throughout the body, including the brain. This can make the brain perform better. And better blood circulation can give you an energy boost. Who doesn’t want to start the day with more focus and energy?

Many people with a desk job find themselves with their shoulders raised up by their ears during the workday. Part of this can be due to stress. Muscles usually tense up as a response to stress. The body tends to hold stress in the neck and shoulders. Regular stretching of these throughout the workday, combined with breathing techniques, may help reduce stress. So, take a deep breath the next time you find yourself anxious due to an email your boss just sent. Drop your shoulders. Stretch your neck, shoulders, and upper back.

Before any kind of exercise, stretching can lower the risk of injury. Warming up muscles and getting the blood flowing by stretching before any sports performance or exercise will reduce the risk of cramping or straining a muscle.

After any exercise, stretching reduces lactic acid. Whenever one exercises, the body produces lactic acid, which contributes to achy muscles. Stretching reduces the accumulation of lactic acid, making a recovery after exercise quicker and less painful.

Another benefit of stretching is that you increase your flexibility. Everyday tasks such as reaching for something high up in the cupboard or bending over to pick up a full laundry basket can be made easier with improved flexibility. Flexibility can also help prevent slips and falls as you age.

Anytime is a good time to stretch. It doesn’t have to be at a set time of day, or before or after an activity.

Stretching is For Everyone

Whether young or old, active or inactive, you can gain many benefits from regular stretching. And it’s never too late to start adding stretching into your everyday routine, no matter if you have an active lifestyle or not.

If you need improved movement or flexibility, reach out to Kinetic Physical Therapy today. We can teach you proper stretching techniques to help you meet your health goals.