Choosing The Right Physical Therapist

Choosing the Right Physical Therapist Featured

With the rising costs of health care, now more than ever, the quality of care you receive is important. This is especially true when picking an Physical Therapist. The proper recovery from a surgery or injury requires diligence from both the patient and Physical Therapist. There are so many choices that may have you feeling overwhelmed when deciding what is best for you. Here are some pointers for choosing the right Physical Therapist (PT).

Continuity of Care

Would you go to a new doctor every time you were ill or injured? It seems like a silly question. However, establishing continuity of care is just as important when undergoing physical therapy. That way, your therapist is familiar with your case and your medical records. This familiarity allows him to address your specific issues, and create a customized rehab strategy for you.

Low Patient to Therapist Ratio

Be aware when facilities use athletic trainers, or physical therapy assistants and patients are bouncing around between different staff. Make sure that you are seeing THE SAME Physical Therapist each visit and that you are getting one-on-one, focused treatment.

Out of Pocket Expenses

Out of pocket expenses have risen sharply. Today patients are facing higher deductibles, higher co-pays, higher co-insurances, and sometimes paying for 100% of services. You know the old saying, “you get what you pay for?” Make sure you are being seen by the same licensed Physical Therapist each visit throughout your recovery. This ensures that the continuity of treatment is at it’s highest. Time is not wasted each visit creating rapport or evaluating and creating treatment plans.

Proactive Treatment

A good physical therapist treats the whole person, not just one body part. When neck pain is caused from poor posture, it makes sense to focus on the postural dysfunction, not just the neck pain. It is our hope at Kinetic Physical Therapy that your treatment will be a springboard to improved general health.

Meaning of Letters

When you ask your Personal Trainer at the gym for advice, they are going to want to help. If you speak to your Yoga Instructor about pain, they are going to want to help. At many facilities you will find Physical Therapy Assistants more than eager to learn and help their first patients recover. The intent of all of these highly valued professionals is well meant, but when it comes to your health, you need the BEST. You need to seek the advice of a medically trained professional Physical Therapist. Then use their insight and incorporated your recovery plan into your daily routine.

The Kinetic PT Difference

In order to provide the community with high-quality outpatient physical therapy services, Kinetic Physical Therapy accepts most insurance. Stephen Sodero, MSPT remarks, “Due to the rising costs of out of pockets expenses, especially when you see a specialist, every visit has to count. We strive to attach value to every dollar our patients spend at Kinetic PT.” Contact us today to schedule an appointment. Not only will you see the difference, you will feel the difference.