ending the youth sports injury trend

The youth sports injury trend seems to grow larger every year. There are many reasons for, and treatments of these multiple types of issues afflicting our child athletes. While it seems the trend may never end, there is hope. We at Kinetic Physical Therapy believe that through diligence and dedication on the part of coaches, trainers, and parents, we can decrease the incidence of these sports injuries. Read on for some critical strategies that can work toward reducing and eventually ending the youth sports injury trend. 

Respect Injury History

We cannot stress this point enough. So many young athletes suffer from injuries because they either push through it or jump back into the game too early. Coaches, trainers, parents, and therapists must honor a youth athlete’s injury history. Sure an injured athlete may be able to push through and finish strong in the heat of competition. But merely reaching a pain-free state does not mean an athlete is fully recovered. Adequate time and patience must be applied for the necessary rehabilitation to occur. The good news is that the athlete may not have to step away from the sport entirely. However, modified schedules and limited participation allows the athlete to maintain status while encouraging complete recovery. When everyone respects the process, the athlete can not only improve performance but avoid repeat injuries. 

Increasing Strength

Strength training is often only associated with such power sports as football. However, building strength can not only help improve performance but help decrease the possibility of injury. Your strength is measured by the maximal force production of your muscles. Consider that when you improve strength specifically for your sport, you improve your functional movement and stances. Hence, we can assume that when athletes perform in sub-optimal positions or without movement awareness, they are predisposed to injury. However, athletes do not need to spend hours conditioning. Smart coaches and trainers and physical therapists understand the sport-specific mechanics. Therefore, they create strength training programs aimed at accomplishing a lot in a little time.

Body Mechanic Awareness

Proper body mechanics is the most vital aspect of any sport. It works in tandem with strength. Strength is considered performance foundation and mechanics are the foundation for skilled athletic performance. Having the ability to move efficiently, minimizes stress on the body. Body mechanics should be emphasized over peak performance. It becomes integral in every athlete’s action and reaction. Consider that in the heat of the moment when an athlete must react in split seconds, body awareness allows them to move almost without thinking! Furthermore, having mechanics ingrained through practice helps reduce injury.

Prevent Future Injuries

When everyone works together, it is in the best interest of the athlete. Kinetic Physical Therapy understands the frustration athletes, coaches, and parents feel when injuries occur. That is why we work to create an integrated training and rehab program that is unique to every athlete’s needs. Our goal is to help athletes recover quickly and efficiently as well as educating everyone to prevent future injuries. Our most significant concern is ensuring the athlete is fully healed before they engage full force! Do you have a child who has experienced either a recent or recurrent injury? Contact Kinetic Physical Therapy today. Make an appointment for a comprehensive assessment and allow us to create the most effective physical therapy program.