Why Do My Neck and Shoulders HurtWith so many people working from home now, there has been a sharp increase in pain complaints about the neck and shoulders. Yes, we all know that ergonomics can make a difference, but is there specific action should we take to avoid pain in these areas? Are there things we can do to treat it? What causes this pain?

What Are Some Causes of Neck and Shoulder Pain?

Many bad practices lead to neck and shoulder pain. Poor posture is a problem for most people. Muscle imbalances and weakness can cause pain anywhere in the body, but the neck and shoulders are definitely susceptible. Also, strained muscles can cause excruciating pain in that area. Of course, the pain you’re feeling could be due to osteoarthritis or a herniated disc. moreover, rotator cuff strains and tears will be very painful. And, you can actually injure your neck and shoulder by sleeping in the wrong position. These are only a few of the reasons you may be experiencing neck and shoulder pain.

The Role of Posture in Your Pain

Being realistic, you probably won’t go from bad posture to good posture overnight. Any improvement, no matter how small, will help you avoid and alleviate pain. Keep working at improving your posture, and eventually, you’ll be ergonomically correct and pain-free.
Some practices to avoid:
Rounding Your Shoulders – Keep your shoulders pulled back and avoid hunching over the computer.
Leaning Your Head Forward – Try to keep your ears over your shoulders. That’s the best way to guide your head to avoid bending in.
Rounding Your Lower Back – Try to open your chest as you sit at your workstation and feel the relief on your back.

Your Best Path to Eliminating Neck and Back Pain

Once you have the pain, consider a course of physical therapy. Why? A trained physical therapist can apply heat or ice, use massage, and other treatments to bring you relief. One of the most helpful things you can do is start an exercise regimen that your physical therapist prescribes.
These exercises, done on a regular schedule, will help you to gain strength in the muscles that support the areas around your neck and shoulders. Strengthening those muscles will help you with the pain you’re feeling. Even if the pain isn’t originating in the muscles, the exercises will allow the muscles to perform better.

When to Call Your Doctor or Physical Therapist

If you have neck or shoulder pain for more than a week, you need to contact your health care professional and see what they can do. Also, when your neck is sore after an accident, see your doctor right away! They may want to run some tests to determine the cause of the pain. This will also help your physical therapist know what treatment you require when you come into their office.

Kinetic Physical Therapy Can Help with Your Neck and Shoulder Pain

At Kinetic Physical Therapy, we see patients every day who are suffering needlessly with neck and shoulder pain. Pinched nerves, frozen shoulder… we can help with these problems and more. We clean and disinfect our facility constantly. Our focus is to prevent coronavirus spread and keep our staff and patients safe. If this pain is driving you crazy, contact us today and make an appointment! Let’s get started easing your pain!